Heyo Heyo, I'm Casey Zeman.
Here’s the first thing you need to know about me: I’m absolutely HOOKED on the power of webinars.
I’ve loved developing software, products and content to help authors, experts, entrepreneurs, SMB’s, product creators, service providers, creative types - YOU - harness this power to create a deeper connection with your audience.
Because here’s the deal: your audience is thirsting for your knowledge, and quality webinars (and video and live streaming) will give them what they want, and grow your business.
How did I get into the world of webinars, you might ask? It was a long road, starting with being an average student that had to work harder than most of my peers. I was terrible with authority, would zig when others would zag, and always had an entrepreneurial spirit.
So, naturally, I decided to become an actor.
At first it was fun, and fed my appetite for engaging with an audience. But being a broke actor, always hustling for the next role, sitting in trailers waiting for the action, well...it sucks.

Next, I moved onto real estate. Why? I’m not really sure, but for awhile it brought in a steady income that grew and grew. Now I was feeling good! Financially, at least. Because real estate also left me feeling uninspired.
I wanted to love what I did for a living, not just do something because it paid the bills.
Soon, fate would give me a hand. The 2008 recession hit. The real estate bubble burst. My wife and I lost most of our incomes and almost had to foreclose on our home. Twice.
The struggle was intense, and I knew I had to pivot to keep us afloat.
Enter, webinars.
I decided to become a video marketer, and created a course called “YouTube Revealed." It was amazing, I was getting a ton of views, and YouTube helped me build sales leads for the business I wanted to build, but I wasn’t able to use it to sell the course.
YouTube also wasn’t a great platform for creating the personal interactions with the audience that I valued and craved.
And since I didn’t feel that the right platform for connecting courses with audiences existed, I created it. And just like that, the idea for EasyWebinar was born.
Easy Webinar helps educators, creators, experts, and artists connect with their audiences, easily and intuitively. It’s given hundreds of users the ability to grown their businesses, increase their sales, and build their tribes of like-minded learners.
My own courses have attracted tens of thousands of viewers. After years of muddling through a path that went from acting to selling houses, I am now the best-selling author of “Build Your Audience with Live Video" and proud CEO of amazing businesses that allow every day folks to reach new heights and positively impact the lives of others.
My life isn't all about business, though. I also have a beautiful family with my wife Diana. Our 2 sons and daughter bring more joy and light to our lives than we could have ever imagined. Every single day I am inspired - by my wife, by my kids, by the work of my tribe and the work I am able to contribute to this world. I look forward to getting to know you and seeing what talents bring you success.
With gratitude,