$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

Speaking at the Edge Marketing Event this Weekend…About Video Marketing

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

Are you in LA?  How about Southern California? I would love to see you this weekend. September 21-23!  Let me express this right…I would love to see anyone from anywhere if you have the means to get to Los Angeles this weekend to attend the Edge Live Marketing Event.  Should be a really amazing time.  There are some great speakers lined up and I personally am going to be talking about all things Video Marketing and YouTube. Can you come?

If you are available, please come on by and look for me personally.  I would love to get a cup of coffee with you and chat!

There are some free tickets still available (I believe) CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Also there is a Thursday night Networking Party with Mike Hill and the Super Friends Group (personally excited about this) that you should definitely come to this weekend if you have time.  If you don’t attend anything else, you should definitely come to this networking party! (Although I would love for you to come to my time slots on Friday and Sunday, of course! lol ;))

I made a quick video about it below!

(Note: I accidentally say 21-24th…it is actually just the 21-23! My Bad!)

 So Again, if you have time this weekend, I am going to be showing some pretty cool things in the way of Video Marketing and YouTube Marketing strategies.

From how to optimize your videos to ninja things you can do to get more views, more engagement, more clickthroughs, and eventually more income from YouTube as one of the best traffic tools on the planet.


Take Care!


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