$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

How to Create an eBook Cover with myecovermaker.com

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

Hey all I wanted to show you a quick step by step video of how easy it is to design your own Ebook Cover.

Now as many of you know I tout the power of Branding and product creation.

If you have not gone to check out my articles about product creation please go there first.

Click here to learn some tips on product creation.

We continue on to this step only after you have wrapped your mind around what your planning on doing online, and then creating a product that reflects that decision.

The most popular of information product out there is the Ebook.  Otherwise know as electronic Book.

Have you seen the eBookstore for Barnes and Nobles?  Or Amazon?  Well the popularity of ebook readership due to Kindle and the Ipad has exploded.

NOW is a perfect time to create an eBook.

Distribution is easy.  Product creation is easier than you think, and design work and images for your eBook due to sites such as myecovermaker.com has pushed that door of accessibility open even more.

But product creation doesn’t have to stop there, because with Video as one of the most popular forms of data delivery, why not create a video series?

The sky is the limit for branding yourself online.  You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on creating that late night info-mmercial for a non-targeted market when you have the ability to find a larger and  PIN-POINTED audience through proper Online Marketing.

Your capacity for discovering that audience has to only be matched by your ability to keep that targeted lead.  In my opinion, a good product design can not be beat.

However, ff it is costing a bit too much to pay that designer, then here is the product and the option for you.

Myecovermaker is a great site because it gives you a flexible and easy to use platform, allowing your artistic expression to flow.

You are also not limited to just an Ebook cover.  It has DVD cover templates, Audio Book Cover templates, Membership Cards, and more.

Don’t get hung up on the technical aspects of it.  Let’s Demystify this particular step in the process of online success.  Go ahead and check out


Finally the last thing you should know about creating your own eBook Cover is that it can be somewhat fun…So be careful. 🙂


I pay 9 bucks a month for an unlimited supply of ecovers through myecovermaker.

There are free options to make an ecover, however they usually turn out to be garbage.  PPC can help you find it as well.

I would like to say, if you have a designer that you are working with who is good at what they do, this site will not replace them.

However if you lack the disposable income for a designer this might be right up your alley!



If you found this video and article on Creating your own ebook Cover helpful please click the “like” Button below!


  • Great video and step by step! This will be a technique used again and again.


    Lisa Marie

  • Hey Casey, nice video! Excellent tip, I have been using everything from Photoshop to eCover Creator and this is by far the most time efficient and realistic (for a non-techie like me!) way to design and create a pro quality ecover. Thanks for the great tip!

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