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[EasyWebinar List-Building Funnel Strategy!] Want to Guarantee The Double Opt-In?

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

The power of online events is that you can build your list while at the same time, take someone through a nurture process that leads to an eventual sale.

With EasyWebinar (my webinar platform), you have the capability of registering people to a webinar event while at the same time, add them to your Autoresponder.

If you don’t know, an Autoresponder is one of the most NECESSARY tools in building an online business.

Another name for an Autoresponder is ‘Email Delivery Service’. Common AR’s (Autoresponders) are:

  • Aweber
  • Mailchimp
  • Constant Contact
  • GetResponse
  • Infusionsoft.
  • And More…

[Attn: EW Customers! Here is a great List-Building Funnel Strategy using EasyWebinar which guarantees the DOUBLE opt-in!]

When integrating your own Autoresponder with EasyWebinar you have 2 options!

One is using the single opt-in process, the other is using the double opt-in process (otherwise know as the click to confirm process)


Honestly, the best answer is going to be…it depends.

  • It depends on your AR (auto responder)
  • Your AR’s deliver-ability rate
  • And it depends on how many hoops you want to send your registrants through

However, with those elements being said, the double opt-in (or click to confirm) method of getting people on your list can definitely help your deliver-ability of your emails.

And at the end of the day, the better the accessibility into your subscribers inbox, the better your overall business as a whole.

**Sonya Ramsey sent me this image below. She wanted to do the double opt-in process for EasyWebinar…but she wanted to know how to do it RIGHT!

(She was doing a double opt-in process but creating too many options for her registrants, and often not getting that double opt-in.

Does that sound familiar? Do you sometimes only get a portion of your opt-ins as double opt-ins? 

Double Opt In Process Map

That is why, in the video above, I show you the BEST strategy for minimizing unnecessary hoops your registrants will have to go through, BUT STILL GET THEM TO COME THROUGH THE DOUBLE OPT-IN PROCESS.

EasyWebinar was built to facilitate both options with ease.

This strategy is going to show you how to set up an automated FUNNEL + Double Opt-in process.

So let me ask you…How do you have your AR system set up now to opt-in leads?

Are you using the double opt-in’s or are you using the single opt-in process? Let me know below!


Also, are you currently using an Autoresponder to opt-in leads? If not, you should definitely check out AWEBER.

(Please note: I use this and infusionsoft, but if you are just starting out or just want to keep things simple, Aweber is great!)

In the video above I also mention about Leadpages.

1 comment
  • Hi, Casey. I would like to find out if your services can enhance what I am doing and I would like to talk with you over the phone. My number is 212-877-0346.

    Thank you.


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