$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

“A Web Business Overview” Tutorial, Video 1

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

When creating an online business you have to understand and learn the methods for success.

These might seem daunting at first but once you get the hang of them, your business will be take off in no time.

These skills for a successful online business need to be understood fully to be implemented properly.

The wonderful part about all of this is that all you need to do is learn these skills once before you are ready to implement.

I created this Video series for the sole purpose of getting you familiar with the basic structure to a successful online business.

you will learn

“How to get a Domain.”

“How to get a Hosting account.”

“What an Autoresponder is, and why you need one.”

You will also need to learn how to get a website up and running.

You must create your website, or one page website, otherwise known as a landing page or squeeze page. You can not, I repeat, cannot have an online business without it.

You cant just rely on a facebook or twitter as a viable HUB.  I go into more detail on this The 7 Deadly sins of Social Media.

What I have done…and what I suggest that you do as well is, create a blog site.

You can do this through WordPress.  What is a blog site?   It is what you are looking at right now.  This site is a good example of a wordpress blog site.

Next create a single landing page.  If you are not too sure of what that is, watch this video series so that you can get a better understanding of it.

However, before you do any of that, you will need to first pick your URL (Domain) name and get your Hosting account set up.

If you do not have a Domain name picked out yet then go to GoDaddy and get one. Here is a helpful suggestion:

Get a Domain name that is similar to phrases and words that are readily searched through Google and other Search Engines with in your niche.

You can get a discounted Domain and a second one free at GoDaddy.  (For those Brand new to the idea of a website please watch this video about setting up a domain name.

Once you are done getting your domain go to the next video where I continue on to discuss about the Marketing Funnel system.


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