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“A Web Business Overview” Tutorial, Video 2

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

Let’s Continue on with Video 2 of the series, “A Web Business Overview”.

Time to Set up your Hosting account. I go into some more detail with the 3rd and 4th videos, but to jump in click the link below.

Hosting costs about anywhere from $4.99 a month to $12.99 a month. When first setting up your online business chances are you will really only need a 1st tier hosting plan, however I would always suggest getting the 2nd tier plan because you can then set up as many websites as you want and only for a few dollars more. So for $7.99 you can have unlimited websites. I have about 5 websites so the 7.99 is really affordable.

Go to Host Gator and get your Hosting plan set up. CLICK HERE.


1 comment
  • Dear Casey,
    Thank you for the free videos.
    I’m making my first website/webshop dedicated to mental training of tennis players with a video package plus 3 months course of weekly webinars – I think about using your webinar software.
    Your videos give me a very valuable overview of online business.
    I appreciate your help very much.
    Looking forward to watch your webinar on monday 😉

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