$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

“A Web Business Overview” Video 4

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

Here is the final Video for Learning the proper parts of an online business. WE have covered in these videos:

  • The benefit of a squeeze page.
  • The importance of a Hub page, or main website.(Content source)
  • The need for an autoresponder. (Go to Aweber)
  • The essential need for a Domain name. ( Go to GoDaddy)
  • And of course, a hosting plan. (Go to Host-Gator)

These are the essential component of a web business.  Now of course there are several more things that need to be understood, learned and explored.

One of the basic Components that needs to be focused on is…Branding and Product creation.

It would now be advisable to take a look at the videos on Creating your own product, and what you will need to accomplish that.

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