$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

How to Guarantee Your Periscope Broadcasts Show Up In Fullscope.Tv

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

Hi there! How are you?

I wanted to send a quick update regarding Fullscope.Tv.  For those who don’t know Fullscope.Tv is a software that works to fetch your broadcast data and your broadcast videos.  Fullscope.Tv provides you super detailed analytics about your broadcasts such as:

  • Who attended
  • How long they stayed
  • When they came in and left
  • What comments they asked
  • If they shared the broadcast to their Twitter, Facebook or Periscope Users
  • If they took screenshots of the broadcast
  • If they watched the live broadcast or replay
  • And of course how many hearts were sent during the live broadcast as well as the replay

Not only does it provide analytic data, but it also grabs your broadcast video from Periscope and saves/hosts it.  It also allows you marketing opportunities to tweet your viewers back directly from the Fullscope.Tv dashboard.

Users of Fullscope.Tv have been using it to follow-up with their viewers, build more followers and analyze their broadcast data to know how to make their broadcasts better based on what their audience resonates with.  Users have also been able to run contests around who sent the most hearts, or asked the most questions, or stayed the longest at the broadcast, or even had the most overall engagement during the broadcast. Fullscope.Tv creates an engagement score for each viewer on a per broadcast level as well as on an overview level.  On the overview level, you can know which viewers are coming back over and over every time you do a broadcast.  This helps you to define your most diehard fans that continue to watch and interact with your broadcasts/shows/periscopes.

Quick Update For You

Today we wanted to send an update as to what we are doing now with Fullscope.Tv. Recently, due to the fact that we have been growing so fast, every time we fetch one of your broadcasts from Periscope, it sends a message to Periscope.  Well, because of the fact that we have thousands of users and each of those users are doing a ton of broadcasts a day, (At this point Fullscope.Tv users have had millions of live viewers run through the broadcasts we have fetched.) Periscope has been inundated with too many callbacks to their site.

As such, we have decided to change how we are making these calls to Periscope.  We are going to automate the process again and will hopefully have that done by the end of next week…but until that time the solution is a simple one.

In the video below, I have shown you a simple solution. After every broadcast you do with Periscope.Tv you can come into Fullscope.Tv and click the ‘Get Broadcast’ button to fetch and SAVE the broadcast into Fullscope.Tv.  If you do not come into Fullscope.Tv within 24 hours after your broadcast is done and click that button, we cannot guarantee that the broadcast data will be saved and retrieved.  Clicking the ‘Get Broadcast’ button will also guarantee that we are hosting/saving your broadcast video as well. (not just the data)

In the very near future we will have this process automated again to where you don’t have to manually click ‘Get Broadcast’ to fetch your broadcasts, however in the meantime, it should take you about less than 10 seconds after your broadcast is over to come into Fullscope.Tv and click that button! ( I know, I timed myself! 😉

If you still have problems for what ever reason after doing this step we suggest, we do have a form you can fill out letting us know what your problem might be.

Click here to fill out a survey with feedback about your Fullscope.Tv account.


All my best,

Casey Zeman

Founder of Fullscope.Tv



  • Casey, do you have any other information on the glove company that you explained about the other day. You chose that company and did stats for it I think? I’m actually doing a glove company and would like to know more please:-) thank you ericroutenberg@gmail

    • Yes Eric, it was in the other blog post that was done yesterday. Did you go there yet? 🙂

  • Ack! Is this why I don’t have any of my scopes from 11/4 to now loaded in FullScope? I logged in today to check some stats and I’ve been missing scopes since 11/5. 🙁

    I’ll definitely make sure to manually download my scopes now. I totally get the growing pains (great to have). Just wish I had realized this was going on earlier.

  • Hey Casey. I just signed in today and had a good look around. It looks great and is already super helpful. It gave me the opportunity to connect with some viewers I hadn’t known before. Thanks so much! Am looking forward to using it daily.

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