$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

A Strategy for Launching Your Physical Products Online Using The Power of Periscope & EasyWebinar

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman
Yesterday I spoke at the Amazing.com/Summit.


If you’ve never heard of Amazing.com, they’re a company that has a big and active community of more than 20k+ Amazon sellers…and this weekend was their big LIVE EVENT.

In fact, there were about two thousand attendees either actively selling Amazon products or new excited folks looking for solid strategies for building their brand new business at this event. 

So you might be wondering what I spoke about? Or maybe you’re not, considering I create little confusion as to what my passions are…and if that’s the case, you guessed it, I talked about Live Video.

Specifically Periscope.tv.  Because for the last few months I have loved this new live stream app for keeping engaged with my existing community as well as growing a brand new community. 

If you want to know more about Periscope and how to add it to your business and have success with it you can watch my slide-deck by clicking here.

 When I first started out I was getting about 20-30 leads a day from Periscope and now I get about 100-200 leads a day.

 The question is always HOW?

Well to simplify it for you. I create Periscope broadcasts and have Calls to Action in those broadcasts that send people to a webinar. An automated webinar using EasyWebinar. You can see that webinar by going here: https://caseyzeman.com/webinar

That’s the funnel.  Albeit, just one funnel that I use…but probably my favorite funnel. Because I actually like doing broadcasts to an audience! My other funnel is using Facebook ads and sending those to the same webinar.

And of course, what I am selling is my EasyWebinar software from the webinar. Yes I am selling EasyWebinar from an EasyWebinar event. The sales conversion on that funnel is 11%. (About 4% higher than my Webinar Mini Course that I also drive traffic to from Facebook)

Now that’s me personally, but because I’ve been hanging out with so many Amazon (physical product) sellers for the last 2 days, I decided to give an actionable strategy that anyone can use to launch their business using Periscope. No matter whether you are a physical product creator, book seller, coach selling her/his membership site or, consultant selling his/her services, or digital product creator.  The foundation of this strategy will work for you.

The quick action tip I gave during my presentation at the Amazing Summit was…’Use Periscope to launch your new product’ (whether sold on Amazon or not) by building an EarlyBird list potentially as far out as 12-8 weeks before opening your product doors.  Especially if you don’t already have an existing list yet.

How do you build your EarlyBird list?

1. By giving away something free content that is somewhat related to your product…

Here is what I would do….

Broadcast 1-3 Periscopes a day about topics that relate to your product.

For instance let’s say you are looking to sell gardening gloves from Amazon.

Well instead of doing ‘scopes’ (broadcasts) about why your gloves are so cool, do broadcasts about gardening tips.

Make a list of 30 topics that relate to your audience’s pains and desires. Here are 5 as an example.

‘The 5 secrets to growing a beautiful organic garden’
‘Kids and Veggie Gardening -Having Fun (Both of you)’
‘How to know when to Harvest your garden?’
‘The Hows and Why of Thinning Seedlings’
‘4 Things You Can do to Avoid Shoveling Blisters’

2. From those broadcasts offer up a free gift or webinar link where you dive deeper. An extra goodie that they will be excited about.  Something small, easy to digest but really valuable.

For instance, the free gift could be a resource guide for your perfect gardening kit (Equipment and accessories). Conservatively after 8-12 weeks you could have a list of about 1-3k new opt ins to your email list. (Maybe more)

So when do you sell ?

3. From that early bird list you are going to offer your gardening gloves at a grand opening discount for 48-72hr before the rest of the public gets it. (Along with a couple special bonuses that are info based that gives more value & reason to buy)

Doing this will give you a number of sales over a short period of time which can increase ranking in Amazon.  You can also ask for real buyers feedback in the way of reviews which can dramatically help your Amazon ranking as well as reaching a #1 Bestseller in a specific category. During that discount, run at least 2 EasyWebinar (Live broadcasts where you sell your gardening gloves and explain the offer.)

 Yes, Periscope for list building and EasyWebinar for selling!

4. Once that discount promotion is over for your EarlyBirds, maybe offer a price increase that is still going to be discounted from the final price. (Along with a bonus rolled in)

So essentially, one price hike after 72 hours for another 72 hours. (Run 2 more EasyWebinar events) 

5. Then for the next 4 days after that, have your product price set to whatever it’s going to be after the launch…but what will expire at the end of 4 days are the bonuses you are offering. (Run 2-3 more EasyWebinar events)

So the total launch window is about 10 days.

Now before you say it, yes I am well aware that selling a pair of gardening gloves might not be a big cash win even if you sell 500-1000 sales of a 10 dollar pair of gloves. (Might be about 10k from that launch)

So why would you do this type of system as a physical product seller?

By doing this system you’re jumpstarting your placement and growth path in Amazon for that product.  Plus, you are also building an actual list of your own audience who you can follow up with and offer other related gardening products besides the gloves alone.

After the launch do you stop there? Heck naw!

6. Consistent Evergreen List BuildingConsider getting a blog created and house your Periscope broadcasts and tips there. Use www.fullscope.tv to follow up with your audience who come to your broadcast and continue to build your list. With #‎fullscope You can send tweets out to your viewers and the link to your free gift or webinar using EasyWebinar.

Ok, that’s all for now !

Was this blueprint helpful? Was there something you would do differently?Let us know below.  

And be sure to follow me on Periscope @caseyzeman because that’s what we’re talking about here! 🙂 

Also if you’ve been wanting a way to see:

-Who comes to your broadcasts
-How many hearts your periscope viewers send
-How long someone stays on your broadcast.
-How many shares and screenshots they send
-How many followers you get from your broadcasts

Go to www.fullscope.tv and sign up for a free account while it is in beta. This tool will let you get even more creative in your broadcasts to where you can run engagement contests to incentivize shares and response!

If this is the type of content you want me to share more of, please comment below.

Plus I have a plan!  If you want me to help you brainstorm any content topics around your product tell me who you are, and what your business or product is below! I will pick someone to do a broadcast about where we flesh out content videos for your broadcasts! Thanks again, and please share this with your friends, followers and fans!

    • When you say you are a newbie, what business are you looking to create with these strategies?

  • Thank you for your valuable offer Mr. Zeman.
    I am a biomedical scientist setting up my Scientific Advisory for biotech angel investors & patent lawyers. My approach: to give away mobile apps designed for them. How to INITIALLY SMS them spam-free? Please peruse my LI profile. Cheers https://www.linkedin.com/in/pnranganathan

  • Hey Casey! I was at the ASM event, and totally enjoyed your keynote! I have to be honest… I thought I knew most popular social media platforms, but I have never heard of Periscope or live video streaming! Clearly I don’t know as much as I thought I did, as this kind of blew my mind. My inventory order is in production, I’m preparing my Amazon listing now, and need to quickly get up a landing page in the next few days. I’d love to know how to make an compelling live video campaign centered around…. drink coasters. 🙂 I am taking a fun, modern approach to the packaging and marketing, so hopefully you’ll pick me as your guinea pig to help create an interesting new periscope campaign for my physical product!

  • Hi there! Awesome info! Love fullscope.tv ; )

    I’m a 30 vet in Showbiz & I have a course that helps performers & writers get more clarity & confidence. I also have a few projects/ courses in the self development arena
    I’m sooooo ready to do webinars. The only physical product I have is a book that I wrote. Holidays are upon us… What can I do?!
    Thanks in advance.

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