$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

A Message to Director Ridley Scott

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

Diana Newton Message to Director Ridley ScottI applaud my wife Diana for being so brave.

Yesterday she called me and said “I want to make a video message to Ridley Scott and I want you to make it go Viral.”

She knows that Video Marketing is my preferred online tool for Marketing, and I have talked endlessly about how I have been able to get my videos to the first page of Google within each video’s Niche.

However, we have never collaborated on combining our Talents together for a project.

So yesterday, we worked together to make a very simple 3 minute Video to Director Sir Ridley Scott.

Message to Ridley Scott

My wife and I live in Los Angeles and are both in the entertainment world, however as such, we keep very aware of not over stepping our boundaries with our “High Profile” friends when it comes to “help” in our own careers.

The last thing we want is for them to feel is a sense of obligation or even pressure.  They are our friends, and that trumps everything.

However, in pursuit of a Dream.

I knew that I could create a possibility of 2 outcomes.

1.  To get to the first page of Google for the keyword “Ridley Scott” or “Alien Prequel”.

2. To spread the word via Social Media word of mouth to gain a viral effect for the Video and to get us closer to Ridley Scott.

In the last 12 hours we have had some amazing responses.  I haven’t even fully marketed the video and we have already gotten to the VP of Fox that is heading the project. He has said that he is happy to pass along the video to Ridley Scott’s producers because in his own words “Fortune favors the Bold”.

I am excited to see the outcome of our experiment in Viral Marketing, but more so our experiment in following a Passion.

Please help us in spreading the word about the video.  Please re-post it, Like it, Thumbs up it, embed it!

Help us to make it viral. I will be sharing the outcome of this, so stay tuned.

Here is the Video  Message to Ridley Scott.

Sometimes the hardest thing is putting yourself out there…taking that risk…

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