$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

Easy Webinar Plugin…The Journey

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

You know it is Funny.  I love the web.  Why?

It is fun.

It is endless.

It is a vehicle for possibility and a platform for your own voice.

And it is funny to think about where you start out to where you end up.  If you would of asked me a year ago if I would have created a WordPress plugin that was designed to convert leads into sales with a video webinar platform, I would have said.  Uh what?  But our journey is an interesting one.  Opportunity can spring up.  Challenge.  Failures.  New experiences that can change your path.  But really as long as you can keep a few things in mind while on your journey, you will everyday look forward to the next day and the next day.

10 things to keep in mind while on your journey.

  • Nurture each day.  Now I know I said look forward to the next day, but first you have to appreciate the accomplishment that you have achieved in the now.
  • Embrace growth.  A challenge is an opportunity. Each challenge tests our consistency and ability to endure.
  • Find the balance in your life.  If you are new to the online world and are eager to change your life, to get out of that job you’re in, to become your your own boss.  Understand that your mindset is what you need to change.  Not necessarily your actions.  You don’t need to quit your job, or lock yourself in a room for 6 months while your responsibilities fall to the wayside.  Find the balance.  If your mindset allows you to stay consistent in your decision to change and prosper, then there will be a natural tipping point, a shift where your wants will replace your needs.  It might be a gradual change, that you’ll find yourself working less at your “day job” because your “life career” might be gaining ground.  Before that tipping point happens…find the balance.  Continue with what you need until you can have what you want.
  • What is your why?  Why are you doing what you are doing?  I have been online for 2 years and in that time, my journey definitely changed forms from where I began, but the interesting thing is that my “Why” hasn’t changed.  Your business might change (what you do) but honestly “Why” you do something in the first place will continue to hold true.
  • Others will value you, if you value yourself.  Place value on what you create.  When you create something out of a passion it is because you are compelled to do so.  Realize how valuable that is.  For instance, if you read a book and it opens your eyes and then you make a video about it, I will listen to that video that you create because there is passion and energy and belief.  If you value your belief and creation, then so will the person receiving it.
  • Find Support.  We need emotional capital.  There will be frustration, anxiety, fear and doubt on your journey.  In those times it is important to have a strong support base that will keep you encouraged, energized and productive.  Make deposits in your emotional bank account every so often.  Find those who you support and in turn support you.
  • Allow yourself to Love what you do.  We so fear allowing ourselves to love something because what if it doesn’t love us back.  That is when we get in a rut of commitment.  We don’t fully committee because of the fear of disappointment.  I know that when I was a kid in high school.  There were certain things that I just did ‘ok’…The reason I only did ‘ok’ in school was so that I was never disappointing in an outcome.  It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all.
  • Allow yourself to move on and learn from a failure.  Fail Big as they say.
  • Be optimistic.  When I say optimistic, I mean discipline your optimism.  Bullet proofing your outlook and belief in yourself will be necessary for conquering setbacks.
  • Breathe…Stay healthy.  We are so tempted by depression when change, problems and frustration occurs.  In those moments, breathe.  Remember to eat right.  Exercise.  Realize that your body is the machine that will make all of these goals a reality.  Nothing else will make that happen.  Also realize that we are with ourselves for a very long time.

Ok, onto the update for the Easy Webinar Plugin.  We will be opening up the doors next week for beta testers.  I did however want to show you some screenshots of the product so that you can see what we have been working on.


  • I really liked your point about not being
    able to imagine how what we are doing now can lead us to greater things in the future.

    Just small little steps now can open up many doors in the future.

  • Congrats on your successful journey with product creation and your easy webinar plugin which is going to help so many of us!

    Also love how you share your journey, the ups and down and things to consider. Especially important with this type of product creation.

    I’ve posted to my pages and will be purchasing this plugin ASAP. LOVE IT! CONGRATULATIONS, Casey!

  • Hi, just wondering when will you
    provide access to the plugin once again?

    King regards,

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Episode 12