$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

How to Educate Your Audience and Grow Your Business on Autopilot

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

How to Educate Your Audience and Grow Your Business on Autopilot.001

Are you a coach, course creator or digital entrepreneur who needs help automating your business?

If you’re a newbie entrepreneur or solopreneur, content creation can feel extremely overwhelming. It can feel impossible to keep up with creating engaging content and marketing yourself on social media 24/7.

But if you want to produce consistent revenue by selling your digital products or services, you need consistency. And the best way to do that is to learn how to automate.

The more you can automate your content and marketing, the more you can focus on your zone of genius elsewhere. If you’re not sure where to begin, don’t worry … that’s my specialty.

I absolutely love helping entrepreneurs leverage their products and services to make consistent sales on autopilot. I’ll show you exactly how to do that with the right social media content and creating the perfect webinar.

Here’s a quick video overview before I dive in on the specifics of automation:

Automating Engagement: The Problem Most Entrepreneurs Face

Let’s face it, entrepreneurship isn’t easy in the beginning. You have so many responsibilities and so little time. It often feels like there is never enough time to create content and actually engages with your audience regularly.

But if you want consistent revenue from services, coaching or products, you have to make time to engage with your audience. Even if you create the best course or coaching program ever, marketing it to the right customer is the biggest factor.  

Here are my two best strategies to give you some ideas on automating your engagement and get your awesome stuff in front of the right audience.

Leverage the Power of Webinars

Remember, you want all of your hard work creating great content to get clients into your system and join your email list. My personal favorite way to do this is to get them to enroll in a webinar. More specifically, creating an automated evergreen webinar that runs every day, even when you’re not in front of a computer.

That’s the power of webinars, you’re not trading your time for money. Not having a webinar is why so many entrepreneurs work too much and miss out on a chance to grow their business!

With automated webinars, I can literally be at the beach or at a coffee shop answering questions from people that are going through the webinar. Or better yet, have a team do it via chat and remove me entirely from the event.

While live webinars are great, it’s more time in front of the camera and isn’t scalable in the long run. Evergreen webinars have the experience of being live without actually having to be behind the computer. You get to provide users with 60-minute of valuable content and give them bonus offers like an eBook or PDF download.  

And no matter where your potential clients are or what time zone, you can make sales on autopilot. Webinars provide so much impact on users and limited time bonuses can get them to take action quickly. You can build so much know, like and trust with them they are ready to pull out their credit card instantly.

Plus, webinars convert much higher than almost any sales page or VSL.

Getting Webinar Participants: Start Creating Micro-Content

So how can you drive people to webinars without spending a ton of money on Facebook or Instagram ads?


In my YouTube profile above, you can see that I direct my audience (at the top right of the image) to my webinar called “6 Figure Sales Webinar Secret”. That’s a simple and FREE way to get more leads into your sales funnel!

But how else can you drive people to your webinars?

Micro-content via social media.

Start creating micro-content that is helpful and gives fans or followers a little bit of wisdom and education. Because remember, as an entrepreneur all you are is a problem solver. So the more value you can provide across multiple platforms, the bigger the potential audience.

Think about entrepreneurs like Gary Vee. Anywhere you go online he’s there with a video, interview or motivational quote regardless of which social media channel. He’s one of the few social media leaders to omnipresent and provides great micro-content.

My team and I are also doing the same thing with my company and personal brand. That’s why you’ve probably seen Easy Webinar Facebook ads, Instagram stories, Instagram posts, and much more. Being omnipresent helps you build authority and get in front of more potential customers.

Finding this post helpful so far and ready to learn the 3 easy ways to create micro-content for your brand? Just click the button below to download the FREE worksheet instantly!

3 Easy Ways to Create Micro-Content for Your Brand - Worksheet-1

So how should you get started?

Personally, I think video is the easiest and best way. Video content helps build the know, like, and trust factor much more than any other medium.

Here are three easy ways to start creating micro-content for you or your brand to get people enrolled in your evergreen webinar:

Create Long-Form Content on Youtube

The more saturated Youtube gets, the more important it is to create long-form content to stand out in the crowd. Not only does this help increase your chances of getting found in search but it also makes it easy to create micro-content. One great 30-minute Youtube video could produce 3-4 Facebook videos, 5-10 clips for Instagram or more.  

If you want to get off the content hamster wheel, you have to produce long-form content like Youtube videos or blog posts and repurpose the content. If you try to make something for each platform you will spend all of your days creating and not getting clients.

Engage on Instagram Daily

Instagram is growing more and more every single day. With nearly a billion users each month, it’s a perfect spot to get in front of potential clients. And you can do it in so many different ways.

Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are a huge part of how the algorithm prioritizes your account. Try to post throughout the day using stories. Give people a behind the scenes of your life and provide value whenever possible. This is also a great way to get over a fear of video as the clips are only 15 seconds long.

And once you get over 10,000 followers, use the swipe up to link to new content like blogs, Medium articles podcast episodes or webinar opt-ins.

Instagram Live

Even if you don’t have a ton of followers, start using live video a few times per week. The more you get in front of the camera, the more you can establish trust with future clients.

Use Facebook To Grab Attention

While Instagram is very popular, Facebook is still a great way to engage with your audience. I recommend having videos in the 5-10 minute range and laced with value. An easy way to do this is to trim down Youtube content so you’re recycling content.

Wrapping Up The Architecture of Automating Engagement

Getting people enrolled in webinars from social media will help you stay motivated and consistent with content creation. Remember, staying engaged with your audience and providing them value regularly is the key to consistently selling digital products and services.

Get started with Easy Webinar so you can create your first evergreen webinar and start driving leads via social media. Webinars will help leverage your time better than any other platform and engage with your audience at a very deep level. Plus, if you’re running them correctly, you will get people buying your stuff instantly!

Don’t forget to grab a FREE copy of my worksheet about the 3 easy ways to create micro-content for your brand? Just click the button below to download the worksheet instantly!

3 Easy Ways to Create Micro-Content for Your Brand - Worksheet-1

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Episode 5