$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

Why I’m Comfortable With Competition

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman
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Competition is good for businessHow many of you have ever been excited about a product or idea, got everything ready to go, and then somebody beat you to the punch or launched a product extremely similar to yours? Did that cause you to sit on your hands and not finish your product? Is it still “sitting on the shelf”?

Several years ago, I created a course, but because someone else launched theirs first, I put my course on the back shelf and let it sit there untouched. That was the wrong thing to do. If fact, it was REALLY the wrong thing to do.

Casey’s super tip: The good news? If there are competing products in the market very similar to yours right now, that means people are interested and are willing to pay to be a part of it.

So, it’s not always about your product being the one and only. It’s not even about it being better than someone else’s, it’s really about your own unique spin on it. Just having your own personality wrapped around the idea makes it different in many ways.

The way you approach your product, your experience with it, the emotion you have built around it will allow you to connect with totally different people than your competition. You can capitalize on these differences and broaden your customer base.

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How to Feel Comfortable With Competition.001

It’s up to you to not go into stress mode over competition, but feel comfortable with it. Believe me, competition will come around. You may not know when or where, but it will come. If you are prepared for it, you can take advantage of what it can do for you.

What I’ve learned about competition is that it makes your brain work faster. It forces you to work beyond your own complacency. You begin thinking about how to up your game. You become a much better thinker. Competition forces you to push your own envelope.

So maybe it’s time for you to pull that idea or dream off the shelf. Dust it off and relaunch it into the marketplace. Feel comfortable with competition and let it help you make your product better than ever!

Watch the entire Periscope broadcast below:

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Episode 44