$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

3 Ways to Achieve Massive Success In Your Business

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

Are you trying to create an online business but aren’t sure where to begin?

Tons of coaches and online entrepreneurs have great products and services but oftentimes make a few big mistakes that make it nearly impossible to grow their businesses.

Here are some of the most common I’ve seen:

  • Being on the wrong platform, thus delivering the wrong message that doesn’t fit that specific audience
  • Not building enough trust with their product or service to create a loyal tribe
  • Delivering okay or good results that don’t create raving fans

Luckily, I’ve found a few ways to get around these common mistakes to help you grow your online business. Here’s how you can do it easily with my “3 B’s” Method.

I talk about more in this video as well:

Being There

The first of the three “B’s” is being there. You have to be where your audience is and deliver the right message at the right time. I fully believe you have to be tribe minded when it comes to building a successful online business.

That begins by being on the right platform. Ask yourself, where is your audience hanging out? Linkedin, Snapchat, Facebook? As Gary Vee said, “99% of people don’t market in the year that we are actually living in.”

The more you tap into where your audience is hanging out, the better content you can create for them. If your audience is on Snapchat vs. Facebook you need to deliver a very different message. Think about how the content will change on each platform, especially if you have a broader demographic.

Once you do the research and find out where your tribe hangs out, then you can attract them into your content.

But it all starts by actually understanding where they hang out. This information isn’t something that is going to be handed to you. Put in the time to figure out where your dream clients hang out before trying to build trust.

Once you know that then you can begin to create ebooks, mini-courses, and free trials to attract them to work with you and your product or service.

Build a Bridge of Trust

The second “B” is your bridge of trust which is your actual content. Your content is how your tribe can connect and relate with you. This is your videos, your blog posts or whatever medium you are using to share content with your audience.

I can’t stress how important it is to build trust from the beginning. As Stephen Covey said, “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”

Gaining your audience’s trust is how you can establish the interpersonal connection and eventually turn them into loyal customers. Building trust will happen on different levels and depends on how new people find your content.

The Different Trust Levels

For example, if you already have an email list or large social following they are considered hot traffic. You don’t need to build as much trust as it’s likely already established from already seeing your content. Typically this is the easiest traffic to sell higher priced products too.

It’s the warm and cold traffic where you need to focus on building trust. Usually, these types of traffic need endorsement from others and require more work on your end.

This is where it’s helpful to have testimonials from past clients and start sharing more about yourself. Most people won’t transact with someone they don’t know online without learning more about them.

While it does require more time and work, if you can learn how to build trust with cold audiences you can learn to scale your businesses massively.

Give Them Big Results

The final “B” is all about delivering big results. Your results need to be nothing less than amazing. You need to be able to actually deliver results from your product, service or coaching.

Creating big results will build a loyal audience and make each client a raving fans. And if you can create enough raving fans they are more than happy to promote your product or service for you.

Plus, it’s a win-win as you’re delivering quality results and they are receiving a huge benefit. Remember, results don’t always have to be money either.

The biggest results are all about creating a positive impact on someone’s life. It could be providing a major weight loss transformation or even helping them find their partner in life.

When you’re discussing the typical results you provide don’t talk about the actual results. Instead, focus on the transformation that your product or service takes them on. As Simon Sinek said, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”

Not to mention, creating consistent results with your tribe will also lead to repeat purchases in the future.

The One Problem With Delivering Amazing Results

If you can’t deliver results it’s nearly impossible to grow an online business. One thing I see with a lot of solopreneurs and beginning entrepreneurs is the lack of automation in their business.

This makes it easy to spend time on low priority items instead of spending time in your zone of genius. Figuring out how to automate and outsource is a great way to help you speed up success by focusing on your skills.

Start Implementing the 3 B’s Today

If you want to create an online business that connects with people, focus on what counts. There are endless amounts of tactics out there but the 3 B’s are building blocks for success.

Figure out where your audience hangs out, build trust with consistently awesome content, and give them big results once they invest with you.

If you can do that over and over again, you can build a business most entrepreneurs can only dream about.

Start Taking Action Today

To help you build your online audience with live video, I made you a FREE checklist. Just click the button below to get it right now!

Grab Your FREE Promo Video Checklist Here

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Episode 8