$100 Dollar Entrepreneur Podcast

7 Video Marketing Strategies to Boost Consumer Engagement

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Hosted by
Casey Zeman

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Do you know how to create a video that grabs attention?

Do you know how to convert attention into engagement?

Unless your answer was a Yes to both these questions, your video marketing efforts are not performing at their full potential and that’s a HUGE problem.

With over 72 hours of video being uploaded to YouTube each minute, there’s no reason for anyone to waste his or her time watching a video that fails to command attention or deliver a clear message.

If a video becomes slow, boring, or begins to lose your interest for even just one moment, what do you do?

Do you stay watching?  Or do you click the next headline or thumbnail that pops out at you?

Let’s discuss 7 ways to make sure your video marketing strategies are living up to their full potential and are holding viewers hostage.

7 Video Marketing Strategies to Boost Consumer Engagement.001

#1: Kick Off With a Bang!

Grab the audience’s attention from the very beginning!


In my videos, I tell the viewers exactly what they’re going to learn, right off the bat.

Give your audience a powerful reason to keep watching

It’s crucial to have a wow factor within the first 5 seconds of the video to pique the curiosity of the viewer. Instead of wasting time on a lengthy animation or lackluster informational, give a brief, intriguing introduction to what your video is about. Feel free to add humor or clever interactive features to appeal to the audience’s desire for entertainment. This is the most important 5 seconds of your video, so make it count by proving to your audience your video is worth their time.

#2: Create Anticipation

Use key phrases such as “in a minute I am going to show you…” or, by the end of this video, you’ll be…

These phrases create a sense of anticipation and expectation that will keep your audience hooked longer as they await the brilliant advice you’re about to deliver.

Creating anticipation is a powerful tool in video marketing

Disclosing all the juicy information in the first 30 seconds of your video leaves no reason for a viewer to stick around, and your video will loose the momentum it could have had if there was a build up to it.

#3: Employ Snippets

What in the world is a snippet?

Snippets are beats or ideas that break up a pattern to help you transition to new thoughts.

Your video should flow smoothly, but be clear and concise at the same time.

Snippets are a great way to mentally prepare your viewer for the next subject, and are a great way to keep their attention.

A snippet can be anything that breaks up the momentum of your video, such as a move to B-roll footage, zoom in or out, title cards/text, animation or sound effects.


A great example of a snippet is a transition from a filmed video to a screen recording.

#4: A Call to Action

Giving your audience a call to action gives them an opportunity to continue down the road with you, and receive the result their after.

Remember Dorthy and the Wizard of Oz?  If she wanted to see the wizard and get home she needed to walk down the yellow brick road until she finally arrived at her destination.

It’s your job to tell your audience what to do next.

But just remember, if the offer is not compelling enough there’s no reason to take action.

Common calls to action are Subscribe Now, Give us a Thumbs Up, or Like This Video. Make sure to reinforce these interactions with text, images, links or annotations that will emphasize your strategy.


Here’s a great example of a Call-To-Action that I created for my Video Genesis contest.

YouTube has a fantastic feature that tracks the average minute mark where viewers quit watching once they lose interest. Do some research on your videos and try adding a call to action or a snippet at the point where your video starts to lose steam.

#5: Solidify A Structure

The art behind creating an engaging video is in its structure.

Sure, it’s possible for an accidental mistake to happen on camera, which then turns into a viral video, but creating viral videos is not a business; it’s simply a by-product of being in the right place at the right time.

This is why you must create some kind of structure if you want to produce an equally engaging and enlightening video.

There needs to be a balance of enticing surprises and dependable elements that keep your audience following your content.

Whether it’s establishing an animation or image as a familiar symbol throughout your video, following a clearly numbered outline, or disarming your viewer and setting the tone with your personal charm and humor, any kind of reliable structure is sure to keep your audience engaged and looking forward to the rest of the video.


Zach Swinehart does website tutorials and always starts his videos with a fun recording of him in his bright office explaining what you’ll learn, and then moves into a screen capture.

#6: Clear, Concise, and Creative

There should be no confusion about the purpose and content of your video.  From the headline to the content, your video needs to present a clear and concise message.

This is why I recommend using title cards and text.  These will help your audience follow along with the content and help to provide that essential structure.

There’s nothing more ineffective in a marketing video than a jumbled mess of information thrown at the audience in a random order. A smooth, clear transition can be your best friend when constructing a video that flows easily and manages to highlight key ideas throughout the presentation.


When I had crows pestering me in a video that I shot outside, I added it as a blooper to make the video more fun.

Using filming techniques like zooming in and out, montage, and visual effects can be highly advantageous in keeping your audience’s attention. A viewer will always appreciate and respect a video that is clearly well thought out and well executed as opposed to an amateur attempt at videography. The more entertaining you can make your video, the more engaged you can keep your audience, and the more memorable you will be in the end.

#7: Beneficial B-Roll

While you’re talking about your business, utilize footage from a B-roll to visually demonstrate. This will help to break up a potentially monotonous stretch of video and add a new element of interest.


Showing Picture-in-Picture videos rolling on top of yours for live examples is a great way to make your video fun and exciting.

It’s important to use additional footage to demonstrate what you’re talking about and keep the attention of your audience.

Keep footage clear and concise, remembering that less is more. The B-roll should provide insight or information, not just act as meaningless filler.

It is important to maintain engagement to ensure people keep watching your video. The more a viewer is engaged in the material, the more likely they are going to become a lead and a customer.

Remember, the goal is to maintain the audience’s attention and interest by engaging their senses and providing them with legitimately helpful information. Be careful not to weigh down your video with superfluous tidbits that ultimately have nothing to do with your business. The key to creating an effective, engaging video is to balance your strategies. Keep your tactics straightforward, but lighthearted. Establish reliability, but maintain an element of surprise. Take advantage of modern technology and film techniques, but don’t let snazzy visual effects overwhelm you and your business.

To Learn the strategies of YouTube, Google Plus, Google Hangouts and Webinars for building your community online come on through now!

1 comment
  • Excellent information and worth saving to keep as reference in getting more adept
    at doing video. I personally know nothing in actually doing the video which is what is needed to learn but I do know the value of video on websites and other places where you might want to advertise products or services. Paul

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